Welcome to Bishop Wilton Village



Report a Pothole,

Anyone can report a pot hole either direct to East Riding Council via their web page https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/environment/roads-streets-traffic-and-parking/roads-pavements-and-traffic/road-and-footpath-maintenance/ or by contacting Cllr Hammond at  leo.hammond2@yahoo.co.uk





ERYC Help for Households

If anyone wishes to apply for  help, they can do that by either contacting Cllr L Hammond  or by going to ERYC’s Help for Households website here: https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/cost-of-living-help-for-households/

Help on home energy efficiency  https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/housing/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-at-home/




The government's Household Support Fund will help vulnerable households with the rising cost of heating oil. As a result, HWRA have been awarded funding from East Riding Council to offer grants to eligible residents in East Yorkshire.

On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery of approx. 500 litres and free membership to the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the year. (normally £20 per year).

The criteria can be viewed on our website below, along with the application forms.


Your Life Your Way

Your Life Your Way The council has launched Your Life Your Way, a website hub featuring a vast range of information on how to stay independent and access support for both carers and East Riding residents. The website will help people self-serve and enable anyone to get timely advice. This enhances the personal touch, giving choice and control to residents.

Visitors to the website will find guidance on staying active and independent. If you have any care needs there are contact details for vital services and information on how to access the technology available through our lifeline service that can support independence. You will also find:

  • Advice and support for any stage of your adult social care journey
  • Information and help to stay active and look after yourself
  • Information on over 300 local groups and activities
  • Local community and care services
  • Personal budgets, payments, and a benefits calculator
  • Help to work out what you need to pay towards care
  • Support for carers including a FREE Carers UK digital resource
  • Lifeline, aids, equipment, and adaptations

We understand that for most people, staying independent is important to ensure you live a happy and fulfilling life. Your Life Your Way provides the information and guidance to get you the right support at the right time.

To visit the Your Life Your Way website click the button below:

We would be very grateful if information about the service could be shared in any resident’s newsletters, emails or websites where possible.

For further information please email: yourlifeyourway@eastriding.gov.uk

Your Life Your Way


Refuse Collections:

For Youlthorpe and Gowthorpe normal collection day is Friday – alternating with blue bins one week and the brown and green the following week.

To check the most up-to-date schedule of refuse collections please use this link http://bins.eastriding.gov.uk/SearchTrial_Routes.aspx

Broadband Speeds:

The Official broadband speed for Gowthorpe and Youlthorpe is 5.
You can check the Broadband speed Bishop Wilton by using this link http://www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk/broadband_speed_in_my_area_v2.aspx